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Market Economy – What It Is & Characteristics of Free Enterprise Systems

Think about all the times you bought or sold anything in the last week. Maybe you went to the grocery store or out to a movie. Or maybe you paid for services, like cellphone service or car repairs. And you almost certainly sold your own services by working for money.

All these transactions were possible because we live in a market economy. In this economic system, people can buy and sell goods and services from each other for any price they agree on. And they can form companies that hire workers to produce and sell goods and services. 

The market is the arena in which all these sales take place. With each transaction you make, from working at your job to buying a quart of milk, you’re part of the market. Your actions affect the market as a whole, helping to determine the price others will pay for goods and services. But what is a market economy really, and how does it work?  

What Is a Market Economy?

The first economist to outline the workings of a market economy was Adam Smith in his classic work “The Wealth of Nations.” A key part of his description was the idea that the price of goods in the marketplace depends on supply and demand.

Every transaction in the market is a negotiation between buyer and seller. Producers always try to sell their wares for the highest price, while consumers try to buy them for the lowest price. The number they agree on is the market price.

For instance, say you have some chickens and want to sell the eggs. People who want eggs can offer whatever price those eggs are worth to them. Effectively, they are bidding against each other just like buyers at an auction, though they may not be doing it in real time.

In most cases, you will sell your eggs to the highest bidder. But if you think the highest bid is too low, you can decide not to sell and keep the eggs for yourself. You don’t make a sale until you and a buyer reach a price you can agree on.

The more demand there is for eggs — that is, the more people who want them — the higher that price is likely to be. Say you have two dozen eggs to sell, but you have four customers who each want a dozen. Those customers will have to offer more money to win the auction and take home the eggs. 

But now, suppose the supply of eggs goes up. Perhaps your neighbor starts selling eggs as well, adding another two dozen to the market. Now your customers don’t have to bid as high for your eggs because they can buy your neighbor’s instead. Thus, the price goes down.

This simple example shows how supply and demand determine prices in the marketplace. When demand goes up, prices rise. When supply goes up, prices fall. As supply and demand shift constantly, the market price of goods automatically shifts with them.

Supply and demand also apply in the area of employment. Say you want to hire a worker to help care for your chickens. You and potential workers can negotiate over how much the job is worth. You only hire one if you can agree on a wage. 

If many workers want the job, you can offer a lower wage and still find someone willing to take it. But if there’s only one worker available, they can demand a higher wage. Your only options are to pay it or keep feeding the chickens yourself.

How a Market Economy Works

The marketplace, with its interaction of supply, demand, and price, is the key feature of a market economy. But it’s not the only important feature. A market economy depends on several other basic principles to function.

Private Ownership

In a market economy, most resources are privately owned, like your chickens. The means of production — that is, the items needed to create goods and services — are in private hands. That means individuals and private companies, not the government, decide what gets produced.

Freedom of Choice

Individuals and companies are free to choose what to do with the property they own. They can decide what goods and services to produce, buy, and sell. The only limits on their choice are how much others are willing to pay and how much they can spend.

For instance, companies can set prices to maximize their profit based on how much people are willing to pay for their products. Likewise, workers can negotiate their wages based on what employers are willing to pay for their labor.


A market economy is about more than having the means to produce goods and services. Individuals and companies also have a motive. That motive is profit: the ability to make money from what they produce.

Profit gives people and companies an incentive to produce and sell more and improve their products and services. For example, as an egg farmer, you have an incentive to feed your chickens well so they lay more eggs and buy more hens when you can afford to.

You can generally trust people to act in their own self-interest in any economy. But in a market economy, doing so can also help others. People trying to make a profit naturally supply what other people most want to buy. 

As Smith put it, “It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”


Healthy markets depend on competition. If you are the only person who keeps chickens, you are a monopoly. Anyone who wants eggs must buy from you, so you can charge as much as people are willing to pay.

But if your neighbor also owns hens, you’re competing businesses. If you charge too much, your neighbor can charge a lower price and get all the customers. To sell your eggs, you must lower your prices. That makes competition a good thing for consumers. 

Likewise, competition among buyers is good for sellers. The more people there are competing for your eggs, the more you can charge for them.

It works the same way with labor. Competition is good for employers because the more people who want jobs, the less an employer must pay for a good worker. But it’s also good for workers because the more jobs there are available, the higher the wage they can demand.

All these types of competition are in constant balance to drive supply and demand. In the end, the best employers get the best workers, and the best products get the most buyers. And the more competition there is, the more incentive workers and producers have to provide quality goods and services that stand out from the crowd.

Limited Government Intervention

In most cases, markets and competition handle the allocation of goods and services pretty well. Whoever wants a product the most is willing to pay the most. Markets also ensure the economy produces more of the things people want. If your neighbor sees you making a good profit on eggs, they have an incentive to buy hens of their own.

Because of this, governments in market economies try to avoid interfering with the market. They want it to do its job as efficiently as possible.

But market forces aren’t perfect at distributing goods and services. In some cases, the people who need a product most — such as a lifesaving medicine — aren’t the ones who can afford to pay most for it. And sometimes, all the people who need it can’t pay enough combined to make it worth the manufacturer’s trouble to produce it.

In cases like these, the government can step in to ensure someone produces the product and that it goes to those who need it. A good example is the COVID-19 vaccines. To ensure they would be available to everyone, our government agreed to pay for them and their distribution.

Other reasons for government intervention include:

  • Ensuring product safety
  • Protecting the environment
  • Promoting competition
  • Providing accurate information for consumers
  • Paying for public goods, such as highways, that benefit the country as a whole

Pros & Cons of a Market Economy

Most economists today believe in the basic idea of a market economy. They think it’s generally better than other economic systems at creating economic growth and raising the standard of living for everyone.

But most economists also agree that market economies aren’t perfect. They do some things very well, but they do others very badly.


The one thing market systems are really great at is making the things that people want. The advantages of a market economy include:

  1. Balance of Supply and Demand. In a market economy, the interplay of supply and demand determines what goods and services get produced. The economy produces more of the things people want most because those provide the most profit.
  2. Efficiency. Markets reward efficiency. The companies that produce the most goods at the lowest cost earn the most profit and can grow faster than their competitors. That ensures goods are produced efficiently and prevents waste.
  3. Innovation. Markets also reward innovation. When a company comes up with a new product people want or finds a way to make an old product better, people buy it and the company profits. That gives companies an incentive to keep trying new things.
  4. Investment. In a market economy, successful businesses can invest in new companies and help them get their products onto the market. That also helps bring new and better products into production.


Market forces are good at producing and distributing goods, but there are other things they don’t do very well. The weaknesses of a market economy include:

  1. Unfair Advantages. Competition isn’t good for everyone. Some people have inherent disadvantages that make it hard to compete in the market. These include those who are too old or too young to work and those who grew up in poverty. In a market economy, it’s much easier to build a business and make money if you have money to start with.
  2. Unequal Rewards. In a market economy, the rich tend to get richer while the poor get poorer. Societies with free-market economies and little government oversight tend to have higher income inequality than those with more. Moreover, the people at the bottom of the economic ladder tend to be worse off than in more equal societies.
  3. Failure to Maximize Utility. To an economist, utility is a fancy word for happiness. The ideal economy would produce the most total utility for the entire population. However, pure market economies don’t do this. It’s often more profitable to produce luxury goods for the rich, which add only modestly to their happiness, than to meet the basic needs of the poor, which would add significantly to theirs.
  4. Limits on Human Potential. The need to compete in the market in the short term often undermines people’s long-term potential. For instance, kids in low-income families may leave school sooner to work at low-wage jobs and contribute to the family income. But society as a whole might be better off if they stayed in school and went into fast-growing fields.
  5. Unsustainable Resource Use. Markets aren’t good at protecting shared resources, such as air and water. Anyone can use them freely without paying for them, which means the market doesn’t create an incentive to protect them.
  6. Markets Undermining Themselves. The most fundamental problem with a free-market economy is that unregulated markets tend to stop being competitive. A company with a slight advantage can take over more and more of the market until it has no competitors left and becomes a monopoly. At that point, the free market is no longer free. Supply and demand break down, and the monopoly charges whatever it wants for its goods and services.

Market Economy FAQs

There’s a lot more to understand about how a market economy works. These frequently asked questions summarize some of the most basic points.

What Are Some Examples of Market Economies?

The purest version of a free-market economy is called laissez-faire capitalism, from the French for “leave it alone.” In this kind of economy, there are no government controls on the market whatsoever. However, there are no examples today of market economies this unrestricted. 

Instead, economists generally use the term market economy to refer to any country where market forces drive most economic activity. The United States is an example of this kind of market system. Others include Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, and Japan.

What Are Some Other Names for a Market Economy?

Other terms for a market economy include:

  • Capitalism
  • Free-market economy
  • Free-market system
  • Free enterprise
  • Private enterprise

What Are the Other Types of Economic Systems?

If you’ve always lived in a market economy, it can be hard to imagine any other way for an economy to work. It seems like it’s just human nature for people to own things, trade with each other, and try to get the best price for them. 

But in fact, various other kinds of economies have existed throughout history. Even today, most parts of the world have economic systems that are quite different from a pure market economy. Three common alternatives are a traditional economy, command economy, and fixed economy. 

Traditional Economy

In early human societies and some modern developing nations, economies center around the family or tribe. Each family or tribe produces only what it needs to survive. Because of this, there’s little need for trade. If tribes exchange goods with each other, they tend to use some sort of barter system rather than money.

Private ownership, profit, and competition don’t really exist in a traditional economy. Everything anyone produces gets shared among the family or tribe. If there’s any dispute over who should get what, it’s up to the head of the family or tribal leaders to decide.

A traditional economy has some advantages. There’s no inequality, so no one gets left behind. And there’s a strong incentive to use resources sustainably so there will always be enough for the tribe to survive. But because there’s no profit, there’s less reward for innovation. 

Also, this kind of economy is hard to maintain on a large scale. It’s not that hard to figure out what to produce and how to distribute it within a single village. But it’s impractical to do across an entire nation without some sort of price system to signal what’s in demand.

Command Economy

In a command economy, also known as a centrally planned or socialist economy, there’s no private property. The government owns everything and controls all businesses. It also controls resource allocation — determining what resources to produce and how to distribute them.

However, it’s not easy for the state to do this well, especially on a large scale. Market signals generally do a better job of allocating resources with less effort. This weakness tends to outweigh the advantages of a command economy, such as lower inequality.

Countries with command economies also tend to have authoritarian governments that can enforce the state’s demands and prevent free markets from emerging. The two biggest command economies in world history were the former Soviet Union and 20th-century China. But the Soviet Union collapsed, and China transitioned to a mixed economy.

Mixed Economy

A mixed economy is an economic system that combines markets with government regulation. For instance, governments can intervene to prevent monopolies from arising or provide a social safety net. In this way, a mixed economy attempts to preserve the benefits of a market system while controlling the downsides.

Most countries in the modern world have mixed economies to some degree. The U.S. is a mixed economy with a strong focus on economic freedom. Most European nations have mixed economies with more government control. This model is sometimes called “welfare capitalism.”

Confusingly, some people refer to European mixed economies as “European-style socialism.” However, they have little in common with the central planning of a true socialist state. Most things are still privately owned, and markets, not the government, allocate most resources.

Final Word

Today, there’s a lot of disagreement in the U.S. about how much government intervention our market economy should allow. Republicans generally want less regulation, while Democrats tend to want more. However, there’s no real disagreement on the basic idea of a market economy. 

Most people on both sides of the aisle, even those sometimes described as “socialist,” embrace the benefits of using market forces to guide production and set prices. And most people on both sides also accept that there are a few jobs the government can do better than the free market. The question the two sides are really arguing over is how to strike the right balance. 

In a way, this wrangling over big versus small government is a parallel for the market itself. Just like producers and consumers haggling over prices in the marketplace, politicians go back and forth over ideas until they reach a point they can agree on. 

In other words, you can think of our democracy as a marketplace of ideas. Like any market system, it has its flaws. But it generally does a better job of satisfying people’s needs than the alternatives.

Amy Livingston is a freelance writer who can actually answer yes to the question, "And from that you make a living?" She has written about personal finance and shopping strategies for a variety of publications, including,, and the Dollar Stretcher newsletter. She also maintains a personal blog, Ecofrugal Living, on ways to save money and live green at the same time.