Featured – Money Crashers https://www.moneycrashers.com Turn the Tables on Money Wed, 20 Mar 2024 22:06:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 7 Ways a Bad Credit Score Can Negatively Affect You https://www.moneycrashers.com/bad-credit-score-negative-effects/ Tue, 28 Feb 2023 14:00:48 +0000 https://moneycrash.wpengine.com/?p=140498 Your credit score doesn’t just affect your personal finances. Your credit influences many aspects of your personal and public life, including plenty that don’t involve borrowing. Read on to find out how a bad credit score can negatively affect you, and learn how to keep track of your credit score.

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Allowance for Kids – Types and How Much You Should Pay for Chores https://www.moneycrashers.com/allowance-kids-chores/ Thu, 02 Feb 2023 12:00:00 +0000 https://moneycrash.wpengine.com/?p=79986 There are multiple ways you can handle your kid’s allowance, and they all come with their own pros and cons. But the ultimate goal is to teach your kids money management skills, so it’s important to understand which allowance system is best for your kids based on their age and your objective.

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What Is a Good Credit Score – Understanding Credit Ratings & Ranges https://www.moneycrashers.com/good-credit-score-ratings-range/ Tue, 21 Jun 2022 11:00:00 +0000 https://moneycrash.wpengine.com/?p=52074 When it comes to your credit, it’s important to know how you stack up. Do you have good credit? Excellent credit? Poor credit? How can you find out? Learn what a good credit score is and find out the credit ratings and ranges lenders use to evaluate your creditworthiness.

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20 Bartering & Swapping Websites — Best Places to Trade Stuff Online https://www.moneycrashers.com/best-bartering-swapping-websites/ Mon, 20 Jun 2022 11:00:00 +0000 https://www.financedance.com/?p=32454 There are loads of bartering sites designed to help you share, swap, and trade stuff. With the best sites, you can exchange clothes, music, or even vacation housing instead of spending your hard-earned cash.

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What Is an Annuity and How Do These Retirement Funds Work? https://www.moneycrashers.com/what-is-annuity-how-does-it-work-annuities-explained/ Mon, 16 May 2022 15:36:00 +0000 https://www.financedance.com/?p=22411 Even if you have a retirement nest egg, you run the risk of outliving your savings. An annuity is a contract that guarantees a series of payments for a period of time, sometimes even for life. Learn what an annuity is, how it works, the different types of annuities, and their pros and cons.

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How to Retire Early – Tips for Investing and Saving Your Money https://www.moneycrashers.com/retire-early-life-decisions/ Thu, 11 Nov 2021 12:00:00 +0000 https://moneycrash.wpengine.com/?p=96109 If the FIRE movement (financial independence, retire early) teaches us nothing else, it proves that it’s possible to retire within five to 10 years of getting serious about it. But “possible” doesn’t mean “easy.” Learn the math behind how to retire early and tips to get you there faster.

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Debt Snowflake Method – How to Use This Technique to Payoff Debt https://www.moneycrashers.com/snowflaking-pay-down-debt/ Mon, 08 Nov 2021 12:00:00 +0000 https://moneycrash.wpengine.com/?p=45871 For people living paycheck to paycheck, carrying debt can feel hopeless. If you’re barely making minimum payments, it can seem like there’s no end in sight. Enter debt snowflaking — using money found here and there to make extra payments. Learn how to use the debt snowflake method to pay down debt.

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How to Calculate Your Personal Net Worth (Assets – Liabilities) https://www.moneycrashers.com/calculate-personal-net-worth/ Fri, 01 Oct 2021 11:00:00 +0000 https://moneycrash.wpengine.com/?p=34184 Net worth offers a common way to measure your personal wealth. Everyone should know how to calculate their net worth — and should do so monthly. Fortunately, there are several free tools that help you calculate and track your net worth automatically. Learn how to calculate your personal net worth.

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9 Best Car Insurance Companies of 2024 https://www.moneycrashers.com/best-car-insurance-companies/ Tue, 10 Aug 2021 12:00:05 +0000 https://www.financedance.com/?p=249342 Affordable, high-quality auto insurance coverage abounds, even for those with less-than-perfect driving records. Read on for more about the best auto insurance companies for U.S. drivers right now.

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48 Hidden Travel Fees and How to Avoid Them https://www.moneycrashers.com/hidden-travel-fees-avoid/ Mon, 02 Aug 2021 12:00:00 +0000 https://www.financedance.com/?p=39427 Travel always costs more than you think it will. And that’s increasingly by design. As you plan your next getaway, keep a wary eye out for hidden costs and fees. They often get buried in the fine print — until it’s time to pay the bill. The good news is you can avoid many of them.

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8 Ways to Save Money on a Bathroom Remodel or Renovation https://www.moneycrashers.com/bathroom-design-remodeling-ideas-budget/ Mon, 19 Jul 2021 12:00:17 +0000 https://www.financedance.com/?p=34326 Remodeling a bathroom is one of the costliest home improvement projects, sometimes costing tens of thousands of dollars. But some homeowners have redone their bathrooms for as little as $1,000. And these tips can help you save just as much money on your bathroom renovations.

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8 Best Investments for Retirement Planning https://www.moneycrashers.com/best-investments-retirement/ Wed, 19 May 2021 12:00:33 +0000 https://www.financedance.com/?p=104426 Americans are increasingly responsible for planning their own retirements as pensions gradually go extinct. Thankfully, you have more resources than ever to help you plan for and secure a comfortable or even a wealthy retirement. Here are the best investments to consider for retirement planning.

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11 Best Online Accounting, Bookkeeping & Invoicing Software https://www.moneycrashers.com/best-online-accounting-invoicing-software/ Fri, 14 May 2021 13:00:36 +0000 https://moneycrash.wpengine.com/?p=70225 Today’s freelancers and small-business owners have more choices than ever when it comes to accounting and bookkeeping services. Many of the most popular are inexpensive or even free. Learn about the best online accounting, bookkeeping, and invoicing services and find the option that’s right for you.

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Personal & Household Budgeting Categories – 17 Expenses to Include https://www.moneycrashers.com/home-personal-budget-categories-monthly/ Mon, 12 Apr 2021 13:00:22 +0000 https://moneycrash.wpengine.com/?p=18986 Not everyone follows a strict budget, but you need some kind of system to make sure you have enough money each month to cover your major personal and household expenses. Here are the most common budget categories — and how to bridge the gap between your current spending and your ideal target budget.

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Buying a House with Cash – Pros and Cons of Outright Property Purchases https://www.moneycrashers.com/buying-house-with-cash-pros-cons/ Thu, 08 Apr 2021 13:00:43 +0000 https://www.financedance.com/?p=26562 Historically low interest rates have made borrowing money for home mortgages cheap. But buying a home in cash to avoid debt remains appealing to many. For those who have the cash on hand to buy a home outright, the question remains: Is it a good idea? Read on to learn the pros and cons.

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How to Compare the Best Credit Card Rewards Programs https://www.moneycrashers.com/compare-best-credit-card-rewards-programs/ Thu, 04 Jan 2018 12:00:14 +0000 https://moneycrash.wpengine.com/?p=45988 How would you like to receive 2% or more off of every purchase you make? That is just one example of what is being offered to credit card users in the form of rewards. Those who have come to realize the opportunities of credit card rewards have found that there are dozens of competing products.

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9 Reasons to Switch Banks: Is It Worth It? https://www.moneycrashers.com/reasons-change-banks/ Thu, 17 Jul 2014 17:30:18 +0000 https://moneycrash.wpengine.com/?p=121282 My husband and I mulled over a refinance for several months. Our mortgage was rolled over to another banking institution when Washington Mutual folded, and we never really enjoyed the service. The clincher came when I called to talk about options and interest rates. I did my homework: I checked rates online, pulled my credit report, and

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10 Lessons I Learned About Money Management as a Young Adult in My 20s https://www.moneycrashers.com/money-management-lessons-young-adult/ Tue, 10 Jun 2014 21:30:58 +0000 https://moneycrash.wpengine.com/?p=20857 As my 30th birthday approaches, I find myself thinking about what I accomplished in the last decade. My 20s saw me get married, build a house with my husband, have two amazing kids, and start my career. And while I feel great about all those successes, there were definitely a lot of mistakes along the

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4 Crucial Strategies You Need When Investing for Retirement https://www.moneycrashers.com/strategies-investing-for-retirement/ Fri, 06 Jun 2014 17:45:03 +0000 https://moneycrash.wpengine.com/?p=105186 While there are a variety of investment options available to everyone, an astute investor must practice good fundamentals to control risks and optimize potential returns, including taking the time to be informed. As stated by Peter Lynch, renowned manager of the Fidelity Magellan Fund from 1977 to 1990 who beat the S&P 500 index 11

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10 Cheap & Frugal Celebrities – Lessons You Can Learn About Money https://www.moneycrashers.com/cheap-frugal-celebrities/ Mon, 21 Apr 2014 16:30:32 +0000 https://moneycrash.wpengine.com/?p=116321 Anytime you page through the latest issue of a tabloid magazine, you receive a lesson in excess: celebrities frolicking on expensive vacations, wearing thousands of dollars in designer clothes, and driving the latest must-have $100,000 SUV. Of course, it’s expensive to maintain that Hollywood image, so it’s never too surprising to hear about celebrities going

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